Get Sales Copilot  Right 

Stop Doing CRM! 

Start Building Stronger and more Profitable Business Relationships with Sales Copilot!


Request the Sales Copilot with Dialogue Copilot Playbook! 

Did you know the #1 adoption issue is Sales teams complaining about the process being too difficult, tedious and it's the main reason CRM adoptions fail.

With Sales Copilot combined with Dialogue Copilot you can stop DOING CRM!

All sales cycles start with conversations and relationships. During these calls, introductions, stories, examples, timelines and budgeting are just a few of the common threads in these conversations. This is critical data that is contained in calls but then need to be manually entered into CRM. 

NO MORE...not with Viva Sales with DialoguePrime! 

Our Dialogue Copilot for Sales Copilot is built upon any CRM platform and extends the capabilities into your CRM! 


How it works

Calls are rated with our special frameworks and are tunable to add even more details you want to capture.  With our patented Design Thinking approach, we can even build custom industry frameworks no matter what the line of business is. 

The Result

 CRM now lights up with all the data from calls.  Being able to see productivity and call touchpoints with clients. Giving the ability to see all  follow-up and action items, and score based on our relationship book The 7 elements of Successful Business Relationships and how you can improve your relationship.  Like never before, the signals coming are leverage to help improve both the customer and team member experience, which results in more Sales Revenue.

Winning and keeping customers takes time...

It happens across the many calls, meetings, and emails that help you communicate and build trust in your value. Time is money, and relationships are key. So, it is more important than ever that your conversations lead to mutually profitable relationships.


Does this describe what is keeping you from winning the day?

34% of seller time is spent on administration and tasks.*

32% of seller time spent is spent on selling.*

54% of sellers say sales tools enable them to build stronger relationships with buyers.**

23% of business owners said manual data entry was their biggest challenge with CRM, followed by 17% lack of data integration.***

30-Day Get Viva Sales Right Challenge​ – What to Expect

Bring IT and Business together with fast-moving, interactive engagement featuring design thinking and discovering the right conversations.  Make it Real with collaborative sprints leveraging congruentX Dialogue Copilot Framework with Sales Copilot.

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Week One

Align GTM with People and Tech. Create Journey Maps. Discover the most critical conversations.

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Week Two

Rapid, iterative sprints to develop Viva sales conversations with Pilot Team.
Action Plan to Onboard Train Adopt and Achieve Outcomes with the broader organization

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Week Three

Review Monitoring Options and Outcome Benchmarks .

Viva Sales Pilot Group
Rollout Plan​